Tuesday, January 3, 2012

(De)embossed Cards

Part of my crafting revolution is acknowledging that it is a process.  By embracing that process I must also acknowledge that learning to do something the night before I want a completed project will invariably result in a crappy craft.  So I am trying to plan ahead.

This week I wanted to try making some cards.  Since my big guy turns 6 at the end of the month I thought I would make them themed for use with his birthday.

I have a new Cricut Cartridge "Nate's ABC's" which is full of great things for little boys.  I also used my brand new Cricut Embossing folder.  My practice run (can you believe I took one!?!) was with an owl.  Good thing too because I forgot about negative space.


Still, I had a nice little cut out owl.  So I de-bossed this sweetie onto a couple of cards just for fun.

The next time around I made a nice Monkey.

Then I put the cut-out into the embossing folder.

I don't have the recommended Cricut Die Cutter but I DO have my wonderful Sizzix BIG Shot.  I had to use the multi-purpose platform, one of the plastic covers and a couple pieces of paper to make it thick enough but it worked!

After I embossed all the cards I wanted to try adding some words.  I didn't intend these cards to be for any specific purpose so I didn't want to put "Thank You" so I used "Oh Boy."  Emmett was very helpful in hitting the Cut button whenever I needed him to do so.  And a couple extra times for fun.
 Finished product!


  1. This is simply amazing and I cannot wait to try it. What a darling card! I would have never thought of using my Cricut to do the words. I really enjoyed your directions. As soon as I clear the table from todays crafting I am going to get ready to give this technique a try. First, I have to post todays project. You did a wonderful job with your cards.

  2. Boy is this clever. How do you think of stuff like this. Really impressive,
    By the way I thought that the picture of Emmett was of Henry. In this photo they really look alike.
